StarBot in-situ radar testing for aircrafts/platforms
The StarBot 4200 represents a move to a new generation of antenna measurement systems.It is portable and able to measure antennas that cannot be easily placed on a positioner,such as antennas mounted on an aircraft. The measurement system is brought to the aircraft, not vice versa. The StarBot 4200 is designed for in-situ radar testing and maintenance applications.
The goal of the StarBot 4200 spherical in-situ near field test system is to characterize the on-board radar antennas located in the nose and tail of the aircraft.
The StarBot 4200 is a portable, multi probe system composed of 61 dual polarized probes distributed over half an arch of 3.2m internal diameter. One spherical dimension is measured by an electronic scanning of the 61 probes at a very high speed. The other dimension is obtained by a simple rotation of the arch around the first to last probe axis. The probes are separated by 3° (from 0 to 180°). Thus, there is no truncation in the dimension of the array. Even if the mechanical scanner is designed to allow a complete rotation of the arch over 360°, the angular coverage is limited by the aircraft.
Measurements can be performed in CW or pulsed mode thanks to a network analyzer. An electronic module manages the interface with the radar system by generating the pulses necessary to control the radar.
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SG 4100 F
The SG4100 F is a radome measurement solution, based on our SG128 system. It allows measurement of transmission efficiency, beam deflection, boresight error, antenna pattern distortion, sidelobes and reflectivity for both commercial and defense aircrafts.
SG 4100 F is for radome testing. It uses analog RF Signal Generators to emit EM waves from the probe array to the Antenna Under Test or vice versa. It uses the N-PAC as an RF receiver for antenna measurements. The N-PAC also drives the electronic scanning of the probe array. The Amplification Unit has RF amplifiers for each of the RX and TX channels.
For more details visit:

SG 3000 F is dedicated to full scale vehicle antenna measurement. The arch is built into the anechoic chamber for maximum measurement repeatability. Thanks to a high precision controller, “on the fly” measurements can be performed. The system configuration can be adapted to meet specific needs and requirements (compact arch size, positioner, etc.).
SG 3000F is used for the measurement of antennas placed anywhere on a vehicle. It uses Analog RF Signal Generators to emit EM waves from the probe array to the Antenna Under Test or vice versa. It uses the N-PAC as a RF receiver for antenna measurements. The N-PAC also drives the electronic scanning of the probe array. The Amplification Unit has RF amplifiers for each of the RX and TX channels.
The turntable for the SG 3000 series is specifically designed for automotive testing (cost/accuracy/trade-off). Thanks to a high precision controller, “on the fly” measurements can be performed. This allows for the measurement of directivity, gain and efficiency for approximately 5 frequencies in less than 10 minutes (the time required to perform a full turn).
For more details visit:


SG 3000 M is a portable version of the SG 3000 series. It is particularly well-suited to multi-purpose anechoic chambers. The SG 3000M can be installed in an existing EMC chamber, requiring only minimum changes to the chamber set up thus avoiding EMC re-certification.
For more details visit:
Similar to the StarBot 4200, The StarBot 4300 is a portable test system designed for antenna testing of aircrafts or vehicles in-situ. Improving upon its predecessor, in addition to the high measurement flexibility for radar testing in the nose of an aircraft, its full robotic system and 6 positioning axes enable it to measure antennas anywhere on an aircraft (or vehicle): top, bottom, nose, tail, wings, etc. The StarBot 4300 is designed to characterize antennas without displacing the device under test and without enclosure in an anechoic chamber. It is the ideal spherical near-field antenna test system for extra-large devices.
For more details visit:

Advanced Positioners with Goniometers
MVG’s advanced patented positioners with goniometers represent a significant advancement in the high-accuracy angular alignment of components. Consisting of a goniometer, a rotational axis and a system base, they are designed to tilt the axes positioned above in small angles around the archcenter. The carriage supports the positioner axes and the applied loads. They are offered as partof a complete positioning package.


μ-Lab is suited for the collection of conventional far-field and spherical near-field EM data of chips and miniature antenna assemblies. The extra-wide doors on this compact anechoic chamber enable easy access and mounting of the DUT.μ-Lab is a portable turn-key system that can be moved to any preferred location. MVG’s 959 Spectrum software complements the μ-Lab for complete data acquisition and analysis.
Standard system components
1. Anechoic chamber
The chamber is approximately 7 feet high and 5 feet long x 5 feet wide (not including side tabletop). It is mounted on casters for full portability. A folding tableto
p is attached to the chamber for peripheral computer equipment
2. Equipment rack
– AL-4164 Positioner Control Unit
– Power conditioning
– Measurement computer
– LAN switch assembly
3. Positioning subsystem
Near-field probe positioning is provided for by the elevation antry arm. The elevation axis is comprised of a standard rotary positioner, probe arm assembly, and necessary electronic and RF equipment.
4. DUT platform
The center mounted support foam column accommodates small connectorized antennas and items up to the size of a standard laptop. The offset support column supports antenna chips up to 5 cm x 5 cm. The DUT support columns are easily swappable between connectorized and non-connectorized testing, with a storage cart available for the support that is not in use.

For further details contact
Mr. Vincent George – +919989363330