Radome testing solutions are used to measure Transmission Efficiency, Beam Deflection/Boresight Error, Antenna Pattern Distortion, Sidelobes and Reflectivity of antennas housed in a radome.
For military applications
The radome is typically tested in a variety of different positions and beam states, requiring advanced positioning capabilities and AUT control
For commercial applications Testing is normally performed in accordance with RTCA DO-213 specifications.
Orbit/fr is capable to provide all the elements necessary for a high performance automated radome measurement system, the primary elements of a measurement system include:
- Multiple axis radome positioning system
- Low profile, high accuracy antenna gimbal for antenna positioning inside the radome in the operational location
- Precision /rf instrumentation
- Automated radome measurement software including simultaneous axis motion control and boresight tracking
- Analysis and reporting of radome parameters such as transmission loss, boresight error, sidelobe degradation, beam broadening, axial ratio degradation and reflectivity.
- Anechoic chamber and absorber.

The radome measurement systems provided by orbit/fr range from custom systems comprising application-specific positioning system axes, data collection scenarios, and analysis algorithms to low cost systems comprising standard positioning axes and data acquisition, analysis and plotting. Moreover, orbit/fr has the application expertise necessary to understand the measurement requirements of large and small military and commercial radomes, and the impact of these requirements on the facility and instrumentation. We can propose a cost effective solution tailored to the specific requirements of a radome test program. Measurement solutions provided by orbit/fr are tailored to both development and production environments, and can automate the entire process of data collection, analysis and reporting.Orbit/fr has the expertise required to successfully deliver to radome measurement solutions, including the use of high resolution 18-bit encoders for accurate positioning data, real time servo-based gimbal tracking for boresight error measurements, and automated in-process pass/fail report generation. Compact range based solutions are also available.
For further details contact : Mr. Vincent George +919989363330